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Points Talk with the Travel Mom Squad

Mar 28, 2023

Hey there! It's your favorite Travel Mom Squad, Pam, Jess, and Alex, coming to you with another episode! Today, we're going to talk about one of our favorite topics...can you guess what it is? Points and Miles of course!


One of our biggest FAQs is - what's the difference between points and miles? We will give you the...

Mar 21, 2023

Dust off your mouse ears and get ready for a Family Trip to Disney! Hey, it's Alex and Jess here, your favorite part of the Travel Mom Squad! (Just kidding, Pam! We miss you! Pam is our traveling the world, so it's just us two today.)

In this show we're going to share some tips on how you can turn your dream trip to...

Mar 14, 2023

Hey there, it's Alex and Pam, the Travel Mom Squad! Today, we're going to share a little secret with you - how to score free hotel stays. Yes, you heard us right, FREE! We're talking about hotel free night certificates, and boy, do we have some stories to tell.

First off, let's talk about what they are and how you can...

Mar 7, 2023

Hey there, fellow travelers! Alex, Pam, and Jess here, also known as the Travel Mom Squad! :) Today, we want to talk to you about our favorite points and the many cards we have that help us earn even more of these points.

If you follow us on Instagram @travelmomsquad or read our blog, then you already know that our...